Holiday Tiny Houses
These houses are specially designed to relax and connect to nature. With big windows that brightens up the entire house and skylights to admire the stars before sleep.
Although being smaller than for a living TINY HOUSE, you can have a full functioning kitchen with an oven, 2 or 4 eyed hob and a sizeable sink. The fridge is also smaller, to store all the refreshments you might need for a week or two in nature.
The other noticeable difference is in the storage space. You won’t need as much space for storage, which opens up space for entertainment.
We also suggest some off-grid solution. Maybe you want to park your tiny in the middle of nowhere where a few solar panels might be just what you need to power off a relaxing weekend away!
We think a deck is a must have in a holiday home, and we even provide that in your custom build TINY HOUSE. Just imagine yourself, on the side of the lake, enjoying the sun with a Pina Colada in your hand. Sounds’ good?
We would love to DESIGN your house with you, BUILD your house for you and DELIVER it all within 3 months’ time!
Calculate the price for your dream holiday tiny house!
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